Hello everyone! My name is Favlaud, and I’ll be handling volunteer registration and/or wrangling this year!
For those of you unfamiliar with the way the system works (and there
have been some changes recently), I hope this thread and the ones linked
herein can give you a better idea of what volunteering for CFT brings.
Of course, if there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach
out to me either here in PM, or at favlaud@campfiretails.org
I want to make sure that everyone willing to volunteer their time and
energy gets what they hope for out of it while helping out a great
cause for all attendees. Positions will be filled on a first-come,
first-serve basis, and I’ll be updating this thread regularly as people
claim shifts and jobs.
Gentle reminder that volunteers are guaranteed a slot in next year’s registration, and earn a +1 credit for a mate or ride if enough work is done for the kitchen!
Please keep in mind that you need to already be registered to be able to volunteer!
With that in mind, here are the categories where people can help out!
Construction manager = MoparSkunk
Construction crews to help set up the facilities for the convention are absolutely vital,
and often understaffed! If you have the physical ability to lift,
carry, and go wherever needs help the most, this spot’s for you!
Requirements are to be at camp as early as noon on Wednesday, August 3,
and no later than 2PM!
- Critter
- Kuwa/Astrius
- Copper_Scales
- ToxicWusky
- DruAnderson
- Sparrow
- RobbieThe1st
- MilesRose
Coordinator = MoparSkunk
The opposite, of course, of setup! These people are the ones making sure everyone gets
home on time and everything’s put away snugly for next year. The
required times are Monday morning, August 7, and a second time on
Tuesday morning, August 8.
- Copper_Scales
- Sparrow
- DruAnderson
- Morse
- RobbieThe1st
Chef de cuisine = Beauchamp
This is where help is most often needed, and where the most appreciation is! Prepping ingredients, watching stoves, and washing dishes are the primary jobs of these volunteers, and there’s unlimited spaces to apply! Shifts are based on mealtimes, so plan to work in shifts that work for you!
Thursday 8/4
- DruAnderson
- Critter
- Proggy
- Shrimp
Friday 8/5
- Kuwa
- Astrius
- Twilight
- Lutra
- DruAnderson
- Twilight
- Skit
- Lutra
- Morse
- Twilight
- Critter
- Proggy
- Lutra
- RufusRyan
Saturday 8/6
- Kuwa
- Astrius
- crankycoyote
- Tsarin
- Twilight
- Critter
- Lutra
- Tsarin
- Twilight
- Lutra
- RufusRyan
- Skit
- Delathar
- DruAnderson
- crankycoyote
- Twilight
- Proggy
- Lutra
Sunday 8/7
- Tsarin
- Twilight
- Lutra
- RufusRyan
- DruAnderson
- Proggy
- Raemuz
- Lutra
- Raemuz
- Skit
- Delathar
- Morse
- Twilight
- Lutra
Monday 8/8
- Kuwa/Astrius
- Twilight
- Lutra
Coordinator = me!
This is where the big change from last year will be! The people that apply for this job will work with me on a half-day shift, morning or afternoon, and will be my go-to hands when something pops up. Checking trash cans, restocking facilities, and general handiness are what’s needed most. And the best part? You’ll get radios!
Thursday, August 4
- DruAnderson
- Sparrow
- XanderFrost
- MilesRose
Friday, August 5
- ToxicWusky
- Raemuz
- Dog
Saturday, August 6
- Dog
- Raemuz
- Intruder
- Blink
Sunday, August 7
- XanderFrost
- DruAnderson
- Sparrow
Monday, August 8
Finally, why would you volunteer (besides being awesome and helping from your kindness)? Volunteer credits! Please take a look at @Koinu ‘s post regarding rewards and benefits for your time, seen here:
I’ll be keeping a tally of who does what jobs and to what completion in the interest of everyone getting the rewards they’ve earned. And please include a contact number with your application message!
Let’s have fun!