A couple things I wanted to add to the list:
- Dogs: All animals must be accompanied 24/7 as Crowley said before. I also like the idea of two handlers per animal. As far as crating goes, I don’t want to see a dog in a crate for the entire con. I’d like to impose a limit on the amount of time an animal can spend in a crate during daylight hours.
Also, animals are not permitted in the commons area when food service is taking place. As sweet as Holly and Albie are, I don’t mind being pleaded with by them to share my supper with them, but I’m sure others do. Sorry guys!
Also make sure to leave waay too much water out for your dog. Water in the area has a bad habit of collecting dirt and slobber and it gets nasty really quick! Would you want to drink that? Nuuu. Be sure to wipe out the water dish with a paper towel before you refill it please? Your dog and I will love you very much! A dog’s average body temperature is 101 degrees and they tend to run a bit hot in the dry climate of the con!
Let’s see … what else …
Lighting: I’m looking into all kinds of solutions to this dilemma. I’m leaning towards solar powered Christmas lights that can be laid on the ground to mark the main paths. I do need to know how many feet of lighting I’ll need to cover the main areas and if anyone has these measurements, pass them on!
Communication: I’d like for every camper to bring their own FRS radio. I really enjoyed the radio chatter while I was there and whoever rickrolled the radios? That was so awesome! Anyways, try to spend a few extra bucks and get radios that will scan the main channels and the mike can be locked to key on one specific channel. We’ll probably designate a channel for announcements and another channel will be used for general con communications if traffic gets to be too much for one channel.
If we have planned campsites next year, I’d like to issue each camp a radio. We’ll attach it to something physical (zip stip it to a tree, drive a pole in the ground and attach it, etc) that would be locked on one channel for general announcements.
In any case, I’ll try to wrangle up as many extra radios as I can to loan to campers who didn’t bring one.
Lost and Found, Coffee, Volunteers, Zuul, fursuits, and the ilk can be handled thru ConOps as well. I’ll be providing some of these services on my own as well as some by the con! Everyone can bring coffee and propane!
I’ll add more later when I think of more.