pretty damn good con, so as far as the majority of the con goes, went pretty alright. earscritches all around. :>
but yeah, what’s been stated already, stuff like more trash cans, at least around the campfires. as for lines around the bathroom? pssh. plenty of trees. ;D and the few times i did decide to use the bathroom, there was no line.
i didn’t hang around the event space much, but i’ve gathered that there needs to be more space. also, if possible, more materials for boffer fights. i had to scrounge every little scrap i could just to get four for the red team.
regarding foods, yeah announce them better, a bell or something. also if continuing with the ‘sponsers then patrons then regulars’ feeding schedule, do announce it better. there was much confusion at the back of the line with the regulars as to who’s turn it was.
dogs, obv, need to stick by owners, or at the very least be a-okayed by con staff before hand. either through a previous con, or personal experience.
a pre-noted lost-and-found area would be nifty keen, though nothing really got lost, and i ended up finding all my stuff exactly where i left it the day before. :B
more staff is necessary. somebody to deal with volunteers, a lot more on kitchen duty. i didn’t see poor xander out of the kitchen area until the last day!
also this is bennets idea but i’ll post it up here for him:
encourage walkie talkies for congoers. either set up a regular channel for con goers, and one for con staff, or combine them. also as a bonus, if there’s an emergency and staff can not be found, a regular can jump on and shout out something.
EDIT: oh, also more nature related stuff. the star gazing was wonderful, and perfectly in time for the meteor shower even! but maybe something in the middle of the day, like some off-trail hiking or something.
all in all though, pretty awesome con, and look forward to next year!