One line per entry would be way to tall a post, so I’ll take the messy list format. In no particular order, the following games are on my shelves:
Blokus, Blokus Trigon, Abalone, Cathedral, Cosmic Encounter (The crappy Avalon Hill edition), Wrath of Ashardalon, Castle Ravenloft, Acquire, Factory Manager, Power Grid, Cavum, Steam: Rails to Riches, Endeavor, Caylus, El Grande, Agricola, Le Havre, The Princes of Florence, Puerto Rico, Notre Dame, Macao, Tombouctou, Die Macher, Attika, Kingsburg, Kingsburg: To Forge a Realm, Taluva, Prophecy, Prophecy: Dragon Realm, Domaine, Anno 1503, Zooloretto, RuneBound, Thunderstone, Thunderstone: Wrath of the Elements, Arkham Horror, Arkham Horror: Dunwich Horror, Arkham Horror: Kingsport Horror, Arkham Horror: Innsmouth Horror, Arkham Horror: The Black Goat of the Woods, Arkham Horror: Curse of the Dark Pharaoh, Arkham Horror: The King in Yellow, Ghost Stories, Castle Panic, Space Alert, Space Alert: The New Frontier, Pandemic, Pandemic: On the Brink, Forbidden Island, Lord of the Rings (Reiner Knizia Co-op, not the other one), Lord of the Rings: Friends and Foes Expansion, Shadows Over Camelot, Merlin’s Company, Battlestar Galactica, Factory Fun, Robo Rally, Go, F.I.T.S., The Amazing Labyrinth, Reef Encounter, Modern Art, When Darkness Comes, S.P.A.N.C., Uptown, Sleuth, Day & Night, Formula D, 7 Wonders, Egizia, Star Trek Expeditions, Yggdrasil, Pergamon, Asara, Battletech, Gipf, Dvonn, Zertz, Yinsh, Punct, Bonnanza, Alhambra, Metro, Red November, Illuminati, Battlestations, Xiangqi, Mansions of Madness, Verrator, Nuts!, Tichu, Quiddler, Slide 5, Elasund, Cave Troll, Drakon, “Trump, Tricks, Game!”, Fluxx, Mu and Lots More, Carcassonne, Hansa Teutonica, Othello, Dominion, Lost Cities the Board Game, Race for the Galaxy, Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm, Race for the Galaxy: The Brink of War, Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs Imperium, Galaxy Trucker, Galaxy Trucker: The Big Expansion, Dixit, Dixit 2, Hey! That’s My Fish!, Chateau Roquefort, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Android, Blue Moon City, Settlers of Catan, Fresco, Smallworld, Smallworld expansions (x3), Dungeon Lords, Amun Re, Through the Ages, Peloponnes, Ricochet Robots, Defenders of the Realm, Carcassonne: the Discovery, Alien Frontiers, Ra, Metropolys, Stone Age, Through the Desert, Catch Phrase!, Tigris & Euphrates, Thurn and Taxis, The Mines of Zavendor, Twilight Imperium, Scrabble, Nightmare Before Christmas Scrabble, Word on the Street, Upwords, Descent: Journeys in the Dark, Pitch Car, Pitch Car Expansion 1, Tamsk, Atmosfear ‘The Harbingers’, Scotland Yard, Stratego, Medici
I’m not a big fan of all of these (I don’t want to play more Settler’s of Catan, but I will bring it for someone else to play). However, I do know the rules for all of them, and have lots of practice teaching games, and will do so upon request.
So, what should I bring?
GamerCoon (^X^)