2023 Volunteer Sign-ups!

Welcome to another year of Campfire Tails! My name is Favlaud, the chairperson and volunteer coordinator, and with our new volunteer staff, @Gully @meditation_dawn, and @beansyboi we’re here to help you to help make this event happen!

First and foremost, if you want to volunteer, please post in this thread with what shifts and tasks you’d like to do. Centralization of these requests is very helpful, rather than disparate messages over other services and ways to contact us.

For those of you unfamiliar with the way the system works (and there are always tweaks), I hope this resource, and the others linked here, can give you a better idea of what volunteering for CFT brings.

Of course, if there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me either here in PM, or at favlaud@campfiretails.org! Doesn’t matter what your question is about, I’ll do my best to answer it. If you have questions maybe not strictly related to volunteering, reach out to info@campfiretails.org and we’ll get you to where you need to be.

We want to make sure that everyone willing to volunteer their time and energy gets what they hope for out of it while helping out a great cause for all attendees. Positions will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, and I’ll be updating this thread regularly as people claim shifts and positions.

Please keep in mind that you need to already be registered to be able to volunteer!

With that, here are the categories where people can help out!

This year, the Go-Fur volunteers will largely be home-based in the Aid Station. Helping out the other volunteers focused around assisting your fellow campers, we hope to maximize your hours to help out tasks wherever they may appear in a supplied, central location.

If you want more information, and want to work more hands-on in the safety area, please reach out to @Roken (preferably on Telegram or Discord)

Construction manager = @Intruder
Construction crews to help set up the facilities for the convention are absolutely vital, and often understaffed! If you have the physical ability to lift, carry, and go wherever needs help the most, this spot’s for you!
Requirements are to be at camp as early as noon on Wednesday, August 16, and no later than 2 PM! This year we are doing things a little differently, renting two smaller U-haul trucks instead of one bigger one. We hope this means we can get setup done even faster than before!

  1. Skanders
  2. NodNash
  3. atomicthumbs
  4. Gyro
  5. Wolfwilly
  6. Cernwyld
  7. liquid
  8. Azirath
  9. Kumatsu
  10. SaberTail
  11. DogChomp
  12. Paylaywuf
  13. Icewolf68
  14. Critter
  15. FakeMan
  16. Hannu
  17. sessorach
  18. Lunania
  19. Coyoli
  20. Antifapup
  21. Jaycostumes
  22. Sektoth
  23. Boog Lawlry

Coordinator = @Intruder
The opposite, of course, of setup. These people are the ones making sure everyone gets home on time and everything’s put away snugly for next year. Monday, August 21 is when we are planning for pack-out, where we will again be renting two smaller trucks to maximize the efficiency.

Specially this year, we’re looking for a crew of 3-4 to focus purely on the kitchen for deep cleaning and packing. If this task in particular interests you, please say so!

  1. ButterBall
  2. Tonic
  3. Skanders
  4. atomicthumbs
  5. dog_th1ng
  6. Gyro
  7. TonicBH
  8. Roady
  9. liquid
  10. Kumatsu
  11. DogChomp
  12. Paylaywuf
  13. Hannu
  14. emarl
  15. Antifapup
  16. Jaycostumes


  1. Shrimp
  2. Gyro

Swag Distribution
@Xander_Frost and others
Two volunteers each shift needed to help distribute swag on each shift!

Thursday 12-5pm

  1. Paylaywuf
  2. DogChomp
  3. Icewolf68

Friday After breakfast and after lunch

  1. Roady
  2. sessorach

Saturday After breakfast

  1. CoffeeYeen
  2. Roady

Chef de cuisine = @Beauchamp , @x_panther
From the start of breakfast prep, to the end of dinner clean-up, the kitchen will be staffed and working! The field kitchen is what brings so many of us together with fond memories, make this part of your day-to-day and help make that nostalgia possible!

The day will be divided into three shifts -
1st shift: 08:30AM-11:30AM
2nd shift: 12:00PM-03:00PM
3rd shift: 03:30PM-06:30PM

During the shifts, you’ll be expected to work on a variety of tasks, including prepping ingredients with knives and mandolins, cooking and grilling, serving, as well as dish washing and clean-up. If there’s something you’re unfamiliar with, don’t worry! Part of the fun is learning new skills you can use at home, and we are happy to teach! Since kitchen shifts are limited to 5 people per, and how Kitchen hours add up, shifts are limited to two per individual. Be mindful what kind of cooking you’d like to do and when!

Thursday 8/17
3rd shift

  1. NodNash
  2. Shrimp
  3. dog_th1ng
  4. beansyboi
  5. Slake
  6. Cernwyld

Friday 8/18
1st shift

  1. anubisyote
  2. Violet_Proto
  3. Draque
  4. beansyboi
  5. Azirath
  6. SinoHyena

2nd shift

  1. anubisyote
  2. Violet_Proto
  3. Draque
  4. Shrimp
  5. dog_th1ng
  6. SinoHyena

3rd shift

  1. NodNash
  2. Icewolf68
  3. Slake
  4. celanor

Saturday 8/19
1st shift

  1. Awkray-ven
  2. Gayloader
  3. Coyoli
  4. Critter
  5. Sektoth

2nd shift

  1. Istelle
  2. noobmercury
  3. Awkray-ven
  4. Catoxis
  5. Icewolf68

3rd shift

  1. Malachise
  2. WoofyTheBunny
  3. Catoxis
  4. Kovis
  5. celanor

Sunday 8/20
1st shift

  1. Roady
  2. Lunania
  3. Nugget
  4. Sektoth
  5. Kovis

2nd shift

  1. Istelle
  2. noobmercury
  3. Spoosty
  4. Maow
  5. Retrofawcks
  6. SoyDanBoi

3rd shift

  1. Spoosty
  2. Maow
  3. Retrofawcks
  4. Nugget
  5. SoyDanBoi
  6. Malachise

Monday 8/21
1st shift

  1. Slake

Coordinator = @Favlaud @beansyboi @meditation_dawn @Gully

As mentioned before, in an effort to streamline and centralize our helpers for everyone’s benefit, people who sign up to be go-furs will spend their time (when not otherwise doing duties) at the Aid Station, where other volunteers will be helping out anyone who might need it.

The people that apply for this job will work with us on a half-day shift, morning or afternoon, and will be our go-to hands when something pops up. Checking trash cans, restocking facilities, and general handiness are what’s needed most. And the best part? You’ll get radios!

Thursday, August 17


  1. SaberTail
  2. Arclight

Friday, August 18

  1. CoffeeYeen
  2. MilesRose


  1. Lunania
  2. sessorach

Saturday, August 19

  1. loma
  2. Arclight


  1. MilesRose
  2. emarl

Sunday, August 20

  1. loma
  2. BirdGirlfriend


  1. BirdGirlfriend

Monday, August 21

Finally, why would you volunteer (besides being awesome and helping from your kindness)? Volunteer credits! Please take a look at our new page detailing the benefits you get from donating your time to the convention!

Everyone must register to help out!
Whether that means signing up ahead of time (in this thread), or a spur of the moment assist while at camp, please make sure that I or another staff member get your registered name/handle down.

As much as we appreciate people giving what they can, if your name doesn’t get noted, you won’t earn anything toward that credit you might’ve earned. We want to avoid that whenever possible, so record-keeping is key. Be sure to check in with any one of us, especially yours truly, at the start and end of each shift, if at all possible.

Let’s have fun!

Sign me and Tonic up for teardown!

Setup & teardown
Alpha & omega

Put me down for setup and kitchen, 3rd shift thursday and 3rd shift friday!

Sign me & SinoHyena & Violet_Proto & Draque up for Friday 1st and 2nd kitchen shift please!

I’d love to help with kitchen deep clean again, and third shift in the kitchen on Thursday!

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I’d like to sign up for teardown, and (tentatively, depending on what days I can get off) setup.

I’ll sign up for teardown and kitchen shift 3 on thurs please! :3

I wish to do kitchen deep clean as my main volunteer but also setup and breakdown.

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I’ll also grab Friday 2nd shift kitchen :3

ill also take kitchen shift 2 on friday if its still available!

I’ll help out with teardown.

Hi! I’d like a Gofur Friday AM and a Swag Sat AM. Thanks!

I’ll be a gofur Saturday am and Sunday am, same as last year!

I would like to volunteer for Kitchen 3rd shift Thursday, and 1st shift Friday! :smiley:

I’ll do swag distribution for Friday and Saturday after breakfast!

I’ll volunteer for initial setup and Friday kitchen second shift.

I’ll volunteer for setup as well as kitchen friday (2nd shift) as well as Thursday 3rd shift kitchen!

I could also do tear-down and Sunday breakfast shift!

I’ll volunteer for setup and breakdown! ^w^