So: I have four 48" fluorescent blacklight tubes, but I DON’T have a portable fixture for them! If anybody has interest in some “rave strength” blacklight for the fancefloor, UV art, and so on, I’m in search of 48" plug-in fluorescent fixtures.
Do you have a one, two or four-tube portable fixture you can loan? I’m happy to give them back at the end of the weekend, perhaps just a little dustier than before. If you’re in the Portland area, I can also pickup/dropoff and haul the fixture(s) to and from camp, in case you won’t have room in your own vehicle for them.
Reply or PM me if you can help - thanks!
p.s. I should add, I do have other smaller blacklights to bring regardless of whether I find bigger fixtures! The big ones are just WAY brighter is all. ;D
More blacklights are always welcome. I can bring my four 48" tubes again this year, though I still don’t have fixtures for them. Good to have as extras, though!
That’s pretty easy to hang, but it requires 72Watt of power at 12V,
and I don’t have a power brick for it (someone else will loan me
one at burning man). I could bring that if there’s someone with a 12VDC
power supply that can hold the wattage. I can cut the strip if needed
to reduce the power requirement.
If it wasn’t such a short trip I’d bring the monkey hut too to experiment cutting the ribs to 5ft, joined with sleeves.
I also am making cushions for fur camp right now and have a few ready I could share.
Does your generator output a stable 12V or only 110VAC? If so I’ll need a 60Watt 12V 5Amp power brick.
It’s 5kw total combined power. The power that comes off isn’t terribly clean (I don’t have a good means to ground it) but works decent to power all our other LED strips.