The Ol' Drinking Stump

Howdy there, critters!

This is to announce to anyone unfamiliar or new that I’ll be running the ol’ drinking stump, a cooler full of cold beer near the Red/Green line bathrooms. Just look for the ‘COLD BEER’ flag.

There will be cans kept next to it, so please drop a warm one in whenever you grab a cold one so there’s always something for anyone after you.

Also feel free to drop of any extras you have cluttering up your camp. Last year we had a great selection, and honestly it was awesome seeing the variety people brought.

There’s always something happening there or nearby, and who knows, maybe you’ll hear a great story or make a new friend!

This year I’ll be bringing mostly Rainier with some Pabst, thought I might have some cans of craft to slip in there.

The only rule is one or two at a time, please. It is for everyone, afterall.
