With summerween having passed it appears to have stirred something in the not so beyond and suddenly, rumors and sightings of strange cryptids have been heard and or seen stalking about the land!
With that in mind, I’d like your help! I’ve heard of some fun and good rituals out there that can either make those cryptids out there more friendly, at best, or at least keep them at bay from any unwanted crashing of camps or fun. If you know of some ritual and would like to share it with the rest of camp then I urge you to help keep our camp safe and fun by sharing it in the following format:
Brief description of your ritual:
The one preforming said ritual:
Location of the ritual to be preformed:
The best time/day your ritual is most effective:
Thank you to anyone that is willing to share your ritual and I look forward to seeing the fun and interesting ways you keep cryptids at bay.
Title: Oki’s Non-IPA Beer Tasting
Brief description of your ritual: IT RETURNS! Tired of IPAs dominanting the taps? Looking for lessy hoppy alternatives? Come taste a variety of hand selected beers both local and from afar ranging from stouts, fruit ales, pale ales, and more! If you’re looking to broaden your beer tastes, I might have just the ale for you! Bring a cup and bring your water and you better make sure you’ve had a good snack beforehand as well!
Beer list TBD! I may run this similarly to Fake’s cider happenings and have sign ups depending on how many beers I acquire.
The one preforming said ritual: Oki
The best time/day your ritual is most effective: Friday afternoon? Maybe around 3pm?
Title: Pin Trade
Brief description of your ritual: Got too many enamel pins and not enough ways to show them off? Let’s do a trade happening! Bring however many pins you want, show off your favorites and trade ones you’re less fond of, lets make some pin pals!
The one preforming said ritual: Oki
The best time/day your ritual is most effective: Late Saturday morning, maybe 11am? After breakfast for sure.
Making Your Mark!
Come on by with your artful spirit to draw, carve, and print a stamp! Supplies will be provided, pencils, paper, rubber, carving tools, and ink pads, but if you have your own, that’s always greatly appreciated!
DogChomp will be leading this ritual on Saturday after breakfast!
Title: Make a Solar Lantern
Brief description of your ritual: Make and decorate a solar-powered lantern to ward off (or attract) nocturnal cryptids. Supplies will be provided, but if you have something you want to light up, bring it. No soldering or electronics skills required.
The one preforming said ritual: Raymond (me)
Location of the ritual to be preformed: I was thinking the tables by the kitchen, but anyplace with tables in the shade would work
The best time/day your ritual is most effective: Friday 2PM - 4PM, and Saturday too if I have leftover supplies
Title: Cryptid Journal Making
Brief description of your ritual: Spot a cryptid, log a cryptid! Learn to make a small field journal with simple book binding techniques to log ceyptid activity, take notes, and make field drawings.
The one preforming said ritual: Markha
The best time/day your ritual is most effective: first day of the con, mid morning or early afternoon
Title: Cryptid “Sign” Making
Brief description of your ritual: Make monotyped anthograms using elements from nature and the power of the sun to make unique images. Use the resulting prints to repel (or attract) cryptid critters!
The one preforming said ritual: Markha
The best time/day your ritual is most effective: mid-day any day of the con (ideally before the last day)
come to our comfy spellcrafting camp anytime during the day. pick up a small spell jar. receive guidance from the animals. take your jar, go with your loved ones and new friends, explore nature. look at the dirt under your paws.
throughout your day, find very small objects-- twigs, pebbles, berries, leaves, sap, etc-- choose the things that hold memories of your time exploring the material and immaterial world
when the moon rises, return to the animal’s spell camp, sit with your new friends, hold space for them and yourself. listen and hear
fill your spell jars with your precious objects that hold the memories of your day and experience. if you wish, share your story and listen with the others. evoking your shared intention, you create eternal bonds with yourself and your surroundings. completing the seal, your cft memory jar will live with you and in your heart forever <3
host’s camp
gather spell jars whenever you wish, they will be left in the open with instructions even if no host is at camp
memory jar spell crafting-
after the sun sets, multiple nights. times/days will be confirmed and communicated at con. you can complete your spell jar in your own time in your own space as seen fit as well
Calling all fur-tastic cryptid enthusiasts! Get ready to unleash your inner mystery and join us at the Barter Bog, where the shadows come alive and the creatures of legend roam free! Whether you’re trading tales of the Mothman or swapping secrets of Sasquatch sightings, this is the place to be. Let’s barter, banter, and embrace the opportunity to enjoy each others company! See you there, fellow friends and fiends!
As we embark on our adventure to the Barter Bog, let’s remember to keep the spirit of trading alive and well! Here are a few ground rules to ensure a fair and fantastic exchange:
Only trade items that are easily bartered, such as artwork, clothing, snacks, and more. Let’s keep it fun and manageable!
Please refrain from offering items that are too big or impractical for trade, like sound systems or vehicles. Let’s stick to items we can easily carry and exchange.
No IOUs or promises for future services. What you see is what you get, right here, right now!
Once you shake on a deal, it’s sealed! Until that handshake, nothing is set in stone. But once it’s done, both parties are committed to the trade.
Remember, verbal confirmation of the handshake is just as binding for those who prefer not to shake hands.
Let’s make the Barter Bog a place of fair trades, good vibes, and unforgettable memories! See you there, fellow cryptid traders!
Please give a response to this posting if you want to attend, so I can make sure there is adequate space for everyone to enjoy themselves! This can be done at any time after the first day, to easily fit in with other activities.
Description: It has been long enough since the last tournament - let’s see if anyone can unseat the reigning champion from the last tournament, Woofy the Bunny! I will bring prizes! If you don’t know how to play backgammon, I will teach you!
The one preforming said ritual:
All of you who want to play! (Hosted by Gamercoon)
The best time/day your ritual is most effective:
Daylight hours. Ideally starting in the (late) morning, lasting through the afternoon, on two adjacent days. Participants do not need to be present the whole time, only for their own games.
Brief description of your ritual: Interested in learning the art of animal tracking? We will be going on a ~1 mile walk and look at who traveled before us and why. No prior knowledge is needed to join, just a willingness to learn and be engaged. Sign up will be limited to 10 people.
The one preforming said ritual: RicoShae
Location of the ritual to be preformed: Paulina Creek, south and west of camp. Meet at Hamms Camp in red zone (the camp with the pool toys).
The best time/day your ritual is most effective: Friday and tentatively at 10 am*
*Note: Class will depend on finding enough tracks to make it worthwhile the day before. Dry weather and pine needles are notoriously hard to track in. See poster outside of Hamms Camp for any changes to time, cancellation, or to sign up. Contact @RicoShae on telegram if you have questions.
Still figuring out the details for this one and the best time to hold it.
Do you like make up? Do you want help coming up with a fun look or just wanna get dolled up with friends? Femme, transfemme, all who have an interest in make up are welcome! I will not be supplying any make up to use, so please bring whatever make up and brushes you’d like to use! Please keep in mind best hygiene habits if planning to share brushes or pallettes!
We can swap tips, share techniques, and help each other learn a little more about how to utilize our tools to achieve a higher comfort and confidence in how we use our make up.
This is going to be a less structure kind of happening and more just an excuse for folks to get together and play with make up. No pressure, just come have fun!
Title: Show and Tell
Description: Bring a thing. Tell people about it!
Ritual Performer: Fake
Location: Any place with seats
Time/Day: Saturday Afternoon? (Any time that’s not Friday evening or Saturday morning)
Title: Trans & Nonbinary Meetup
Come, relax, take a break from the mid-day sun, and chat with other trans and nonbinary folk. Format will be discussion-oriented and relaxed, so you are encouraged to interact as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, or simply be present. See you there!
Time/Day: Saturday, Early Afternoon
Location of the ritual to be performed: Neptunian Embassy; between Red and Green camp, by first aid
The one preforming said ritual: Vloelei Ocean (Me!)
Title: Therian & Otherkin Meetup
Therian, Otherkin, and all manner of cryptids and creatures are welcome to gather and mingle in our oasis in the desert. Format will be discussion-oriented and relaxed, so feel encouraged to participate as much or as little as you like, or simply be present. Transformation ritual not included
Time/Day: Friday, Early Afternoon
Location of the ritual to be preformed: Neptunian Embassy; between Red and Green camp, by first aid
The one preforming said ritual: Vloelei Ocean (Me!)
A little slow getting this out there but I’ve been a bit busy/distracted and am coming to you live from Minneapolis!
I figured a good way to ward of any kryptids with ill intent is by showing off your strength, precision, and bola skills with a good ol fashioned LadderBall Tournament. So, if you’d like to show how good you can be with some balls and rope, please feel free to sign up!
Ideally I’d like 16 participants for teams of two but if we don’t get that many then we can do 1v1 matches. If we reach 16 and you’re still interested then don’t fret! We can still work something out and have fun.
Title: LadderBall Ritual
Brief description of your ritual: Ladderball is a fun yard game with bolas and ladders! (Demonstrations/explanations will be given for those that have never played or might need a reminder.)
The one preforming said ritual: Xander Frost, resident happenings snow fox.
Location of the ritual to be preformed: The open space next to kitchen.
The best time/day your ritual is most effective: TBA. (Will be fitted in when scheduling is taken care of and will be announced when done.)
Title: Advanced Kandi: X Base Cuff Brief description of your ritual: Let’s play with beads in the yurt! Have you ever wanted to make those larger kandi cuffs people have at raves? Maly’s gonna teach u how to do it! They’re way easier than you think. You bring the the hands, Maly will provide the string and beads. The one preforming said ritual: Maly Location of the ritual to be preformed: Dragon Heights The best time/day your ritual is most effective: 2pm Friday
Title: Movies After Dark Brief description of your ritual: Bring your chair, a blanket, and a snack, we’re watching movies on the Dragon Heights big screen! Movies start nightly when it’s dark enough. What’s showing? Stop by and check out the sign board posted by the projection area each day. The one preforming said ritual: Dragon Heights Location of the ritual to be preformed: Dragon Heights The best time/day your ritual is most effective: Nightly, usually 2 hours after sunset.