I like the idea of a dinner signal, though I dunno if a triangle would really be loud enough to alert everyone all the way back into B/A territory (where I was)… how about an air horn instead? ;D
Another suggestion: why not just push dinnertime back to 7 or 7:30, officially? It seemed like that was about the time it usually happened anyway, so the kitchen could have that extra hour+ of prep time without the stress of being “late,” and people wouldn’t have to play the “waiting around for dinner between 6 and ?” game, and could do something else then instead.
A warning chime/blast at 7 sharp, to say ‘gather your dishes and head this way soon,’ followed by two chimes/blasts whenever dinner is ready to serve (say between 7:15 and 7:30), would be nice as well! A single signal for ‘now!’ would inevitably leave some people scrambling to get there at the last second, probably including me.
guh! its been a while since ive checked in here XD been busy >.> 11 weeks of homework in 6 does that koff anyway, on the latest string of comments i think thats a great idea o.O i know a place here in town that has 14 inch triangles x.x; and their loud as fuck… i actually suffer hearing loss from striking one side of it @.<
i will be going through the rest of the thread later in the next day or two to see what else has been said <3
A large triangle can easily reach the furthest are of the camp ground. There VERY load and sharp. There’s a reason they used them on ranches to call back the cattlemen and the like. I think it’s an excellent idea, plus, Star might actually be able to talk at the end of the Con. hehehe