Hosts were very un-knowledgeable. Every time I asked who our host was, I was met with “Uh, maybe me, I dunno”
as for who your host was and such, we had a few more hosts than camps, so we had shifts this year instead of one host per camp. It was a little vague as to who was hosting when, some of the hosts worked all camps, and some didn’t have staff shirts, so there was a bit of confusion all around and we’ll discuss what worked and what didn’t over the upcoming months and hopefully have that resolved next year.
and every time I directed a question at staff, I was met with “Uh, that’s not my department, go find such-and-such, no I have no idea where you can find them.”
Sometimes we just don’t have access to the information that you need! you work customer support, I’m sure you understand
not every staff member knows everything about every other person’s department. as for where to find them, unless they respond on the radio, or unless somebody else knows their location, we just simply may not have the ability to locate them. Again, something we will look into for the next year.
The vague area descriptions just lead to everyone camping on the far end.
This I think actually worked out pretty well. we had a quiet camp, a loud camp, and an intermediate camp. people were spread out fairly decently among all three. Perhaps expound a bit on this so we can find a specific complaint?
That on top of the fact that event announcement was veritably non-existent, I felt like I was living in a foreign country the entire time.
Event announcement was supposed to be done by the FM radios, but due to various difficulties that plan didn’t hash out. perhaps next year. Events were mostly handled by two ways, chalkboards and word of mouth. The chalkboards denoted if an event would be post breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and word of mouth for final details. Again, not the perfect plan, and something we’ll refine next year, but I thought it worked out pretty well all things considered.
Pretty disappointing.
The criticisms are welcomed, but how about some good critiques as well so we know what we did good?