ÇHello everyone! Maly of Dragon Heights here, saying THANK YOU to everyone who made our first CFT such an amazing experience!
I wanted to start this thread to get feedback on our setup, so we can be even better next year. Here are what we’re already looking to do differently next time around:
-Early setup, so when other campers arrive they will know exactly where the movies/screen will be. This should help with noise and accessibility issues for other camps.
-Sound system will be setup directly under the screen pointed towards the movie audience instead of positioned behind them. This should direct our noise away from the general camp area, and won’t compete with the DJ/dance setup as much.
related: next year if our noise is an issue, please don’t be afraid to come find one of us and talk to us about it! We want to play nice with everyone and want your camping experience to be as fun as it can
-We want to do both VJ/visualizers and live art projection, accompanied by music. None of us do any of that stuff, but we would like to invite other campers to come participate and make something great. Let’s have a dance under the big screen!
-Jondi is working on his camp popcorn making skills. Hopefully by next year he will have it locked down, because what are movies without popcorn?
-Better lighting in the yurt for drawing and art hangouts. There might even be a better yurt next year, depending on how ambitious we are between now and then!
-Midnight munchies: Jondi wants to do some kind of late night snack situation, because he’s an awesome camp cook and late night food is so good
-Drive In Movies? Polybun was talking about trying to bring a mini FM transmitter so we can broadcast our movies to people’s car stereos. I think this is a super cool idea!
I can’t think of anything else to add for the moment, but I will be coming back and adding to this as I remember things.
We look forward to any feedback you all have, please help us make Dragon Heights at CFT 2017 even better!
Thank you con staff, and again, a huge thanks to all of you for such a great weekend!