Heyo fellow campers!
After recovering from the sleep deprivation, i have finalized the cost of food and realized how much i broke my own wallet! XD so, now i am here to hold out my Digital Tin Cup to help recoup at least a little bit more of my own oops in trying to get real food instead of cheep one-note camp chow.
so… here’s the damage:
Cash’n’Cary -$601.24
Food4Less -$42.97
-personal $1.54
Food4Less -$18.77
CostCo -$164.88
Cash’n’Cary -$34.92
CostCo -$145.53
-contribution (by a donor) $85.53
WalMart -$26.12
-personal $5.88
total -$941.48
budgeted amount $454.54
overage -$486.94
tips $58.00
final -$428.94
i know its a lot to ask, but every little bit to make my wallet less angry with me. i knew i was going to be throwing some money at the food budget but i underestimated how much. i’m not asking for a world changing amount; 5$ here and there will help the overage. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YF4TYATS68UWE and next year i will know that food in bend is more costly than in Eugene/Springfield x.x;
i know some of you have already contributed, and i thank you profusely! honestly i do! i will be posting an updated listing of total donations generated through the link above every week (or so) that way you guys don’t feel like i’m trying to screw anyone out of funds. :3
Your sore-wallet cook,