Creature/Cryptid cider tasting 2024 - ALL SLOTS FULL

Hello, folks.

I’m still getting the cider lists in order (and brewing 4 gallons of cider) but I thought I’d put the sign-ups up now.

What? - A low-key casual cider tasting!
When? - Probably Friday after dinner. Creature tasting first, Cryptid tasting next (each around 40 minutes)
Where? - Somewhere with tables
Who? - Everyone who signs up gets a spot at the front of the table (others can still join, but I can’t guarantee a taste of everything)
What to bring? - A cup, maybe a portable light, and gumption.
How to sign-up - BOTH TASTINGS FULL - Leave a comment below for which tasting you want a slot in, and I’ll add you to the list (Creature ciders are the sweeter and more fruit forward ones, Cryptid ciders are the drier and weirder ones) (ONLY SIGN UP FOR ONE, PLEASE.) [You can come to the other, just not at the front of the table]

Creature Ciders Sign Up -

  1. Pe-Low
  2. Okiwolf
  3. Dragryphon
  4. Levi
  5. Tyco
  6. Ozytanuki
  7. Kieda
  8. Miyabifox
  9. Dumbcerb
  10. Sessorach
  11. Azirath
  12. Gyro

Cryptid Ciders - CLOSED

  1. Nodnash
  2. Dogchomp
  3. Bjorn
  4. Drakal
  5. IndiLatrani
  6. Liquid
  7. Beansyboi
  8. yycholla
  9. Funkee
  10. Catoxis
  11. Anubisyote
  12. Sinohyena
    13.Violet Proto

Cider Lists (TBA as finished)


  • Shillings - Local Legend
  • Strawberry Lavender Lemonade Cider (by me)
  • Portland Cider co. - Key Lime Habanero
  • 19 Acres - Strawberry Hibiscus - Sherwood Oregon
  • Rev Nat’s - Pineapple - Portland
  • Shilling’s - Moonberry - Washington
  • Agave Sunshine - Portland Cider Co
  • 2 Towns - Red Plum Cherry Amurana wood imperial - Corvallis
  • Apfelwein Pur - Germany
  • Oregon Bittersweet - Idol - Stayton
  • Stone Circle apricot Cardamom - Estacada
  • Do Cheon Il-Dong Makgeolli - South Korea
    • ??? (by me)


  • Shillings - Local Legend
  • Cardamom Clove Cider (by me)
  • Kiwi Cider (by me)
  • Portland Cider Co. - Community Cider
  • Bend Cider Co. - Dry Apple
  • 2 Towns - Chocolate Marionberry Imperial - Corvallis
  • 2 Towns - F Cancer - Corvallis
  • Habanero - Finnriver - Washington
  • Apfelwein Rose - Roder - Boring OR
  • Basque Cider - Zapain - Basque Country
  • Stray Cider - Title Track - Clackamas
  • My Own Private Idaho 7 - Bauman’s - OR
  • Amphora - Baumans
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Creature list for me, please! Gotta make sure my beer happening doesn’t overlap ;3

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cryptid for me pretty please!!!

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Creature for me! I would love that!

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I’m in for Cryptid! (TickTock)

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Hmmmmm, I like both sweet and weird… I’ll go weird!

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Cryptid for me please!

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Sign me up for the Cryptid Ciders please!

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Creature for me please!

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Creature for me please!
And thank you for all the effort you put into this <3

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Put me in for Cryptid please! :heart::cat:

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Put me in for cryptid please and thank you!


I want to sign up for the cryptid

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Cryptid mode engage! So looking forward to this.

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Sign me up for Creature ciders, I’ll bring plenty of gumption!

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I’d like to join for the cryptids too please!

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Creature cider if you still have room!

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would like to be on the creature list if possible! <3

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I would love a spot for cryptid cider if possible. Thanks!

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I would love a spot for cryptid ciders ^^💜🩷

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