CFT 2024 Registration Opening Date and Policy Updates

Hello, campers! We have some announcements to make in anticipation of CFT 2024!

A reminder of last year’s policy changes: CFT is a 21+ event and no pets are allowed.

Water and Sanitation: The well is still dry and we will once again truck in a large cistern of potable water for everyone to use for drinking and cooking. We will be bringing in port-o-potties again this year.

Changes for this year: RVs are allowed so long as they are under 28 feet in length.

Important news: registration opens Thursday May 9th, 2024 at 9am PST. Volunteer credits for 2023 have been processed and applied.

This year, the kitchen will be dropping lunch service with camper feedback information guiding this decision. Not only will this give the kitchen crew time to enjoy the con, but a majority of campers have indicated that they are busy on adventures during the mid-day meal. Instead, two registration tiers are available: Attendee and Patron. The perks will remain as is; attendees will receive cold service breakfast and a hot dinner while patrons will receive hot breakfast and hot dinner. Swag is still TBD but we promise the patron upgrade will be worth it! Obligate lunchavores: remember to bring snacks or share a campsite meal with friends!

Lastly, we will not be checking for Covid vaccine status in 2024 during registration. We trust our community to follow best practices, follow expert guidelines and prioritize each others’ safety. If you are sick, please consider others in your attendance plans and reach out to us for a refund. Theme camps and other private spaces may have further guidance and restrictions that we ask you honor.

As always, if you have any questions, please direct them to our email: and we can’t wait to see you there.


Totally understand the update on the lunch service being dropped. May I suggest a “snack station” type of thing instead? like easy grab-n-go much type items?

glad yall are planning to give yourself time to enjoy the con! i also appreciate having more hours to wander and do my own thing plus also give myself more incentive to more directly handle lunch time and planning things i can cook at my campsite…i like the mid-day snack station idea Rala has but in the end i’d love to see staff getting to scamper about and have fun at the thing they’re keeping running <3


Thanks for the suggestion! We have actually explored a similar set up but have agreed on a full close of the kitchen during lunch. A few of the main factors for our decision making were: needing to monitor the area due to wildlife (unattended food is always a recipe for problems), the pricing on the typical “grab and go” food options were prohibitive with our budget, and finally, we just really need a break for the time being!


It all sounds great to me, and I definitely still want to volunteer in the kitchen this year, once volunteer sign up is open :3

I think we will generally all be fine with only two meals a day, since it seems like everyone seems to bring endless amounts of snacks! Plus all the liquid bread that is bountiful all over camp :wink: