Well, this year what did you achieve? What badges did you make it out with? We don’t strive for badges, we just earn them.
Beautiful Stranger: Make friends with someone you’ve just met at camp
Beggar: Forgot to bring a utensil or plate/bowl to a meal
Blind as a Bat: Forgot to pack a flashlight
Blowout: Pass gas noticeably in a tent with other occupants
Build a Wall Around It: Volunteer for setup day
Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me: Stay up an entire night during camp weekend
Could Have Sworn: Lost a drink
Carpet Burn: Accidentally scraped knee
Carpet Bag: Sleep outside in fursuit
Demolition Man: Volunteer for camp teardown
Do Not Hug List: Lose an article of fursuit clothing
Doggystyle: Shook and air-dry after a shower
Dude, Where’s My Tent?: End up in someone else’s tent without remembering how you got there
Firestarter: Start at least two campfires
Freebagging: Slept in a sleeping bag naked
Furry Crack: Consume at least 5 energy drinks at camp
Gotta Be Around Here Somewhere: Lose an article of clothing at the river
Hellfire: Be a kitchen grunt everyday
Hazmat: “Forget” to bathe one or more days
Hipster: Brought three or more electronic devices to camp
In the Trenches: Volunteered for more than 15 hours
Laundry Day: Ran out of clean clothes
Life of the Party: Host a Happening
Line Cutter: First to receive food at every meal
Lonely in a Crowd: Play Pokemon GO at camp
Medic!: You need one or more band aids
I’m Not an Addict!: Interact with your phone every day of camping
In Your Base!: Sleep in someone else’s tent
Native: Picked up 10 pieces of garbage off the ground
Nose Blower: Use more than three tissue a day at camp
DogDays: Fell asleep in the sun reading a book
On Fire!: Sunburned first day of camp
Off the Grid: Intent to let phone die
Pigpen: Wear an article of clothing more than twice
Power of Ra: Use solar power to recharge a device
Professional Conversationalist: Sat in on conversations around a fire other than your own
Puppin’ Out: Dog bowl in mess kit
Real Animal: Wear ears or tail every day at camp
Real Barbarian: Didn’t use any utensils at any meal
Real Classic: Arrive in a car 10 years older than you
RGB: Wake up in a tent in each camp
Ritual Sacrifice: Lose three marshmallows in a campfire
Sand in Your Shoes: Empty sand from your shoes at least once a day at camp
Scene Queen: Appear in at least 5 photos online from CFT2016
Skewered: Roast 10 marshmallows on one stick
Smokey the Bear: Put out your campfire when you’re done
Socialist: Shared vodka with at least four other furs
Stealing a Star Flame: Use someone else’s sun screen
Straight out of the Horse’s Mouth: Lose a filling, crown, or retainer while at camp
Tentacle Warfare: Not get into the river during CFT
Total Flamer: Forgot to pack sunscreen
Twatter: Post 5 or more tweets while at camp
Wet Dog Smell: Dive into the creek in fursuit
Whose Dog is that?: Get a tan line from wearing a collar
Where’s The Fucking Barista: Consume any Starbucks product at camp
Yankin It: Steal the bedding from a tentmate at least twice
Yappy Dog: Actively posting on Telegram during camp
Oh I got the real classic one sewn up. In fact, if anyone arrives in a car older than mine, I’ll give you $50. No joke, arrive in a car older than 1960, I got $50 for you!
Beautiful Stranger: Make friends with someone you’ve just met at camp
Beggar: Forgot to bring a utensil or plate/bowl to a meal
Build a Wall Around It: Volunteer for setup day
Demolition Man: Volunteer for camp teardown
Firestarter: Start at least two campfires
Hipster: Brought three or more electronic devices to camp
In the Trenches: Volunteered for more than 15 hours
Life of the Party: Host a Happening
Lonely in a Crowd: Play Pokemon GO at camp
Native: Picked up 10 pieces of garbage off the ground
On Fire!: Sunburned first day of camp
Off the Grid: Intent to let phone die
Pigpen: Wear an article of clothing more than twice
Power of Ra: Use solar power to recharge a device
Professional Conversationalist: Sat in on conversations around a fire other than your own
Puppin’ Out: Dog bowl in mess kit
Sand in Your Shoes: Empty sand from your shoes at least once a day at camp
Smokey the Bear: Put out your campfire when you’re done
Stealing a Star Flame: Use someone else’s sun screen
Tentacle Warfare: Not get into the river during CFT
Total Flamer: Forgot to pack sunscreen
Beautiful Stranger: Make friends with someone you’ve just met at camp
Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me: Stay up an entire night during camp weekend
Could Have Sworn: Lost a drink
Doggystyle: Shook and air-dry after a shower
Freebagging: Slept in a sleeping bag naked
Hellfire: Be a kitchen grunt everyday
Laundry Day: Ran out of clean clothes
I’m Not an Addict!: Interact with your phone every day of camping
In Your Base!: Sleep in someone else’s tent
On Fire!: Sunburned first day of camp
Pigpen: Wear an article of clothing more than twice
Power of Ra: Use solar power to recharge a device
Professional Conversationalist: Sat in on conversations around a fire other than your own
Real Animal: Wear ears or tail every day at camp
Sand in Your Shoes: Empty sand from your shoes at least once a day at camp
Beautiful Stranger: Make friends with someone you’ve just met at camp
Blowout: Pass gas noticeably in a tent with other occupants
Build a Wall Around It: Volunteer for setup day (If staffing isn’t considered servitude :p)
Could Have Sworn: Lost a drink
Furry Crack: Consume at least 5 energy drinks at camp
Hellfire: Be a kitchen grunt everyday
Hipster: Brought three or more electronic devices to camp
Lonely in a Crowd: Play Pokemon GO at camp
Medic!: You need one or more band aids
I’m Not an Addict!: Interact with your phone every day of camping (I had a schedule to keep, don’t judge me!)
Native: Picked up 10 pieces of garbage off the ground
On Fire!: Sunburned first day of camp (Technically, I came to camp already burned, which counts, right? Right.)
Pigpen: Wear an article of clothing more than twice (Fursuits keep us warm at night!)
Professional Conversationalist: Sat in on conversations around a fire other than your own
Sand in Your Shoes: Empty sand from your shoes at least once a day at camp
Stealing a Star Flame: Use someone else’s sun screen
Where’s The Fucking Barista: Consume any Starbucks product at camp
Beautiful Stranger: Make friends with someone you’ve just met at camp
Demolition Man: Volunteer for camp teardown
Freebagging: Slept in a sleeping bag naked
In the Trenches: Volunteered for more than 15 hours
Laundry Day: Ran out of clean clothes
Life of the Party: Host a Happening
I’m Not an Addict!: Interact with your phone every day of camping
Native: Picked up 10 pieces of garbage off the ground
On Fire!: Sunburned first day of camp
Pigpen: Wear an article of clothing more than twice.
Power of Ra: Use solar power to recharge a device
Professional Conversationalist: Sat in on conversations around a fire other than your own
Beautiful Stranger: Make friends with someone you’ve just met at camp
Beggar: Forgot to bring a utensil or plate/bowl to a meal
Could Have Sworn: Lost a drink
Carpet Burn: Accidentally scraped knee
Freebagging: Slept in a sleeping bag naked (Not in a sleeping bag per se…)
Life of the Party: Host a Happening
Medic!: You need one or more band aids
I’m Not an Addict!: Interact with your phone every day of camping
Native: Picked up 10 pieces of garbage off the ground
Nose Blower: Use more than three tissue a day at camp
On Fire!: Sunburned first day of camp
Pigpen: Wear an article of clothing more than twice
Professional Conversationalist: Sat in on conversations around a fire other than your own
Sand in Your Shoes: Empty sand from your shoes at least once a day at camp
Socialist: Shared vodka with at least four other furs (Not my vodka, but it was shared from my camp, so maybe it counts?)
Stealing a Star Flame: Use someone else’s sun screen
Total Flamer: Forgot to pack sunscreen
Though I may have ended up in pictures… and may have stolen bedding from tentmates… Hmm. We’ll see how next year goes…