Campfire Tails 2021 Announcement

Hello Campers! Thank you for all the support from so many people this past year. Even if not together, we are still thriving. With that said, to continue thriving we have to be safe and keep our community safe.

We will not be having Campfire Tails in 2021 in person.

Planning is already underway for a 2022 date with ample time for everyone to prepare.

What to do till then? Campfire Tails: Online returns August 6th-8th 2021. More details and Happenings sign up to be announced next month.

Fundraising events this year! Please look out for more details to come for events in which you can help make 2022 better than ever.

Thank you for the continuous support, love and dedication to this community. Be safe Campers.

Till we meet again,

Chair of Campfire Tails

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