Bring your pokemon games even if you don't plan to play them!

I have lots of batteries for these games that I bought in bulk. I already re-did all my own games and the rest of my batteries will go stale by the time I need to replace them again. I’ll bring all the equipment needed for replacement, and will do it, for you, for free!
I can even preserve the existing game data if it hasn’t yet been lost. (Not an absolute guarantee that I’ll succeed, but I haven’t lost one yet).

So, bring along your games even if you don’t plan to play them!

I want to play through every generation of pokemon and I m curious if it’s worth playing the orignal games plus the remakes human benchmark remasters down the line.A Stanford study found that in 11 adults who played Pokémon video games extensively as young children, a little wrinkle in the visual cortex of the brain activated more in response to images of the Pokémon characters than it did in a control group.